Thursday, October 30, 2014


Homecoming Parade Thursday Oct. 30th - 6:00 p.m.: Parade units will be lined up along the street behind the hospital. A single lane must be left open at all times for emergency vehicle passage on this street. The parade route will begin in front of the school and circle around to the back of the school and will end behind the lunchroom. All visitors to the school for the parade will need to parked by 5:45 p.m. The parade will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Homecoming Pep Rally Thursday Night Oct. 30th: The "blackout" pep rally will be begin at 7:00 p.m. in the gym and there will be an admission charge of $1. Other information and special instructions for this event are being sent home with your child Tuesday Oct. 28th.

PLAS Spirit Day at Hardee's Friday Oct. 31st: Troy Hardee's (only) is donating 20% of their pre-taxed sales on Friday Oct. 31st, from 4:00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m., when customers use a special coupon(s).

School will dismiss at 11:50 due to Homecoming!

Veteran's Day Program Friday, Nov. 7th :  The Veteran's Day Program will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Cafetorium. The 5th and 6th Grade classes are responsible for this program. Program parts will be sent home with your child this week. Please help your child learn their part. 5th and 6th Grade parents are invited to attend.  Students may check out after the Veteran's day program.

Congrats to the Varsity Football team on making the first round of the playoffs.  The school is asking that you go ahead and purchase the tickets in advance instead of waiting and paying at the game.  If the tickets are purchase ahead of time the money will go to our school.  GO PATRIOTS! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 27-Oct 31

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Here are a few announcements for this week:

-Dress for Homecoming this week is:  Monday is dress Tacky Day; Tuesday is Decade Day; Wednesday is Halloween Costume; Thursday is T-shirt Day; Friday for Elementary is Red, White and Blue Day and 7-12 is Dress-Up Day.

-On October 30th the parade theme is Nightmare on Kervin Drive.  Parade is at 6:00, Bon Fire is 6:30 and Glow in the Dark Pep Rally at 7:00.
-School will dismiss at 11:50 on Friday after the Homecoming Pep-Rally. Please make arrangements to pick your student by 12.

-I will be sending out an email to my homeroom parents about the Halloween party which will be Friday, Oct. 31st at 8:00.

-If any girls, grades K-6, are interested in participating in the Fall Softball Clinic on Nov. 8 see Coach Park.

-The Booster Club will sell a meal so that families may eat in the lunchroom  immediately following the parade and attend the bonfire and blackout pep rally. The price of a single BBQ sandwich, bag of chips and canned drink is $5.00 or two BBQ sandwiches a bag of chips and a canned drink is $7.00.  Meals will be pre-ordered on the attached form and turned in to the office with money by Wednesday, October 29th. Tickets will then be issued for pickup.  The sandwiches will be made from Hooks' Boston Butts. 

-The Veterans Day program will be Nov. 7th. The students should dress in red, white and blue.  Parents and Veteran's are invited to attend. The time will be announced later this week. 

If you have any questions please let me know and I will try my best to answer it for you. Thanks and have a blessed week. :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20-24

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great start to this week.  I hope you have your running shoes ready because the next two weeks are going to busy.  

Here are a few announcements for the next few weeks:

Monday, October 20 - I'm too Bright for Drugs! What an AWESOME looking group!!!

Tuesday, October 21 - Red Ribbon Day (wear red...ribbons will also be provided)

Wednesday, October 22 - Sock it to Drugs! (wear red, crazy, or mismatched socks)

Thursday, October 23 - Happy, Happy, Happy to be Drug Free! (wear camouflage no hats)

Friday, October 24 - "Team Up" Against Drugs! (show your Patriot Pride...wear a PLAS shirt)

The Fall Festival will be Thursday, October 23, from 6 to 8. Please send all "goodies" Thursday morning to school. 

Dress for the week of Homecoming (October 27-31) is:  Monday is dress Tacky Tourist Day; Tuesday is Decade Day our class decided on the 80s; Wednesday is Halloween Costume; Thursday is T-shirt Day; Friday for Elementary is Red, White and Blue Day and 7-12 is Dress Up Day

 Thursday evening brings the annual parade around campus (6:00 pm) as well as the bonfire and black-out pep rally (7:00 pm).  The Booster Club will sell a meal so that families may eat in the lunchroom  immediately following the parade and attend the bonfire and blackout pep rally. The price of a single BBQ sandwich, bag of chips and canned drink is $5.00 or two BBQ sandwiches a bag of chips and a canned drink is $7.00.  Meals will be pre-ordered on the attached form and turned in to the office with money by Wednesday, October 29th. Tickets will then be issued for pickup.  The sandwiches will be made from Hooks' Boston Butts. 

Please fill out the Pepi forms and turn back them back into me. 

We will start on the homecoming float soon please send $5 by the end of the week to buy paint and supplies for the float.

If there is any thing else I will send an email out.  Please be on the look out! :) Have a great rest of the week!! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October Student of the Month and 10/16-10/17

Congratulations to Bryce Betts on being the student of the Month for October!! Keep up the GREAT work!! :)

Homecoming Week Activities:

The Fall Festival will be Thursday, October 23, from 6 to 8. If you can please send some treats!!

 Dress for the week of Homecoming (October 27-31) is:  Monday is dress Tacky Day; Tuesday is Decade Day; Wednesday is Halloween Costume; Thursday is T-shirt Day; Friday for Elementary is Red, White and Blue Day and 7-12 is Dress Up Day.

On October 30th the parade theme is Nightmare on Kervin Drive.  Parade is at 6:00, Bon Fire is 6:30 and Glow in the Dark Pep Rally at 7:00.  Teachers in grades K4 and K5 can dress in Halloween attire and grades 1-12 have a float.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7-10

I hope everyone a great 3 day weekend!! Here are a few announcements for this week:

October 13th-15th if Fall Break

October 23rd is the Fall Festival. There is a note going home about it.  5th and 6th grades are doing the country store again this year.  If you would be willing to make goodies, make a craft or work our booth please let me know.  My homeroom will have 4 - 30 minute time slots to work that night.  If you would like to volunteer to work please let me know.  Here are the times that are available:


October 27-31 is homecoming week. Please be on the If lookout for more information on it. 

If you have any questions or concerns please email me! Thanks and have a great week!! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome Atley!!

We would like to welcome a new student to the PLAS family!! Please join us in welcoming her family to our school!! 

Welcome Atley!!