Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24- 28

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here are a few announcements this week:

 This Friday will be Grandparent's Day. Our program will start at 11:00 and the grandparents are allowed to take their grandchild with them.  The student must be checked out through the homeroom teacher. The students have been asked to wear red, white and blue.

October 1 is Teacher in-service day. No school for students.

The week of October 2 - 5, the SGA will be sponsoring an Awareness Week. The following will be the themes for each day:

Tuesday - Wear Blue for No Bullying

Wednesday - Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Thursday - Wear Yellow to Support Our Troops

Friday - Wear Red for being Drug Free

Thanks for your cooperation and for supporting the SGA!!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me! Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17-21

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great start to the week.  Here are a few announcements for the this week and weeks to come.
- The Varsity football game is on Thursday night against Macon-East.

-Tuesday, September 18th the following pictures will be made JV Football-6th period, Termite Cheerleaders-2:45, Pee Wee Cheerleaders-3:15,Termite Football-3:45, and Pee Wee Football-4:15

- Grandparents Day is September 28th at 11:00am. The students will be able to check out with their grandparents/family after the program.

- October 1 is Teacher in-service day. No school for students.

- The week of October 2 - 5, the SGA will be sponsoring an Awareness Week.  The following will be the themes for each day:

Tuesday - Wear Blue for No Bullying

Wednesday - Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Thursday - Wear Yellow to Support Our Troops

Friday - Wear Red for being Drug Free

Thanks for your cooperation and for supporting the SGA!!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me! Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10-14

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Here are a few announcements for this week:

**School day pictures will be made on the following days for the following students:
Tuesday, September 11, for grades K4 - 1
Wednesday, September 12, for grades 2 - 6
Thursday, September 13, for grades 7 - 11
Friday, September 14, will be a make up day for students who might have missed their regularly scheduled day/time.

**Beginning September 17, 2012, our bank will no longer accept checks unless they are made out to our legal business name.  Please make all checks payable to Troy Concessions & Catering or you can abbreviate: TCC.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you -
Pig Cafe/Piggly Wiggly/PLAS Cafeteria

**Grandparents Day will be September 28th. Our program will begin at 11:00. There is a letter being sent home today about it. Please check your childs communication folder.

Please feel free to email me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4-7

I cannot believe that August is now behind us. If you have any questions or concerns please fell free to email me.  Games have been postponed until Thursday-9/6 (Same times).