Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5-9

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break!! I know my family and I did!! I would like to take this time to thank everyone that gave me a Christmas gift.  I was overwhelmed by the love and appreciation shown to me.  I got so many amazing and unique gifts.  It is such an honor and joy to teach these children.  Thank you for giving me this opportunity!!!

Here are a few announcements for this week:

The 9 weeks has been rescheduled for Monday, January 12th at 9:00.  All parents are invited to attend. Students are asked to stay at school after the program.

The PLAS deer hunt is this weekend.  Everyone has been asked to send in $10 to help with the deer hunt.  Please send this in ASAP.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Thanks!! Have a blessed week. :)