Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-7

 I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Here are a few announcements for this week: 

The fundraiser candy is in.  If you ordered some, please send the money in and I will send home the candy.  Also, I have some extra bars that are $1 each.  If you want any, let me know. Otherwise, I will be letting the students buy them at snack and lunch.

 The Veteran's day program is this Friday at 9:30.  The 5th and 6th grades are in charge of the program. They will need to dress nicely and in the colors of red, white or blue. They ARE allowed to check out after the program and will not be counted absent.  There is also a breakfast that morning for Veteran's.  If you know of a Veteran who you would like to invite, let me know.  

 School will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday so that students and faculty can go to the playoff game in Bessemer. If you are planning to go, tickets are available in the front office.  They are $5 for students and $7 for adults.  All money from the ticket sells from the school will stay at PLAS. 

If you gave any questions please email me.