Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2 - 6

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!! We have just a few weeks left before Christmas break.

Here are a few announcements for this week:

This is our annual 5th and 6th Grade fundraiser providing Christmas for families identified by DHR as needy. We are asking each student to provide $5 in support of this program. The money is due December 12th.

We will also have our Christmas Party on December 18th in the afternoon.  We will need the following:

Drinks (we would prefer a few 2 - liter drinks if more than one person wants to provide drinks)
Sweet treats (we can have a few of these)

Please email me if you can provide something for the party

We also ask that each student bring a $10 gift card to play dirty Santa.  Each student will need to purchase and wrap (noted on the outside as being "for a boy" or "for a girl") a $10 gift card; male students a card appropriate for a male and female appropriate for a female.

Can-a-thon: Many have already participated in this canned food collection for the needy, but we understand that the effort will continue until sometime in January. We are hoping that each student will donate 10 cans of food. Thank you again for your generosity.

Pick up Veggies on December 19th

If you have any questions please email me and let me know. :)