Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28- February 1

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here are a few announcements from this week.

 The girl’s basketball team will play Wednesday afternoon at 6:30 and the boys will play at 8:00.  Both games are against Lee-Scott.

 Please remember the following families in your prayers:  Mrs. Robyn Lowe’s family (due to the death of her father Robert Lyle); and to Mr. Willie Pryor’s family due to his death Thursday night.  We will let you know of the funeral arrangements of Mr. Willie as we get the details.  A love offering will be taken up for the family.

The Brundidge Rotary Club is selling Boston Butts for $25.00.  If you are interested in purchasing one, please see Becky Sanders.  You will be able to pick them up from her on Friday, Feb. 3rd.  This is a fundraiser for scholarships many of which have been awarded to our Pike Liberal Arts Seniors through the years.

We will have our Valentine Party on Thursday, February 14th. The students will need to bring a shoe box to decorate at school.  We will also need some volunteers to bring desserts, plates, and napkins. 

If you have any questions or concern please email me! Have a great rest of the week!