The girl’s basketball
team will play Wednesday afternoon at 6:30 and the boys will play
at 8:00. Both games are against
Please remember the
following families in your prayers: Mrs.
Robyn Lowe’s family
(due to the death of her father Robert Lyle); and to Mr. Willie Pryor’s family
due to his death Thursday night. We will
let you know of the funeral arrangements of Mr. Willie as we get the details. A love offering will be taken up for
the family.
The Brundidge Rotary Club is selling Boston Butts for
$25.00. If you are interested in purchasing one, please see Becky
Sanders. You will be able to pick them up from her on Friday, Feb. 3rd. This is a fundraiser for scholarships many of which
have been awarded to our Pike Liberal Arts Seniors through the years.