Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2-5

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great start to the week!!  Here are a few announcements this week:

- The football game this Friday night against Ft. Dale has been changed to HOME.
- Fall Break is next week. (October 8-10). 
- This week the SGA is sponsoring Awareness Week.
    Wednesday wear PINK to suuport breast cancer
    Thursday wear YELLOW to support our troops
    Friday wear RED for being drug free.
- The Fall Fesival is October 30th from 6 to 8.  There is a letter being sent out in the comunication folder about it.  I need 4 volunteers to work the counrty store. 


We will also need things to sell such as: homemade goodies, cookies, brownies, cakes, bird houses and any other things we could sell at the country store. Please email me and let me know if you would like to work/what items you would like to bring.

Please feel free to email me. THANKS and have a GREAT week!!