Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12-16

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Here are a few updates for this week: 

-- The Tech Trot will be held Saturday, March 17th beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Come out and support the Technology Department.  Volunteers are needed at the water stations on the race route. 

--Pre-registration forms for the 2012-2013 school year went out to parents Friday. Please check with your child to make sure you have one or come by the school office for a replacement if you do not.  This, along with a volunteer form, need to be back to homeroom teachers by March 15th.

--The Yearbook Staff will begin selling yearbooks Monday, March 12th.  Cost is $50.00.

--Please put on your blogs that all art entries for Art Show must be turned into Mrs. Goff and Mrs. Givens by Wednesday, March 14th.  The Art Show will be judged on Wednesday, March 21 and will remain on display until Friday, March 23rd.

--The following is arrangements for Mrs. Shirley:  visitation is Tuesday from 5:00-7:00 and funeral will be Wednesday at 4:00 at Dillard Funeral Home.

School will dismiss early (11:50) on Friday for the Baseball Tournament. There is NO afterschool Friday.