Dear 5th and 6th Grade Parents,
We are all very excited about our field trip this Friday to Ft. Toulouse. We just wanted to ask all the students to please wear the Tie-die PLAS shirt. If they do not have that shirt please wear a PLAS shirt. Also, please wear tennis shoes as we will be outside all day. Each student and parent needs to bring a sack lunch. We want to be able to throw everything away. Drinks can be put in a cooler so please label your childs drink. Lunch will be picnic style so if each student will bring a beach towel to sit on that would be great. We will be eating lunch earlier than normal so we will not have a snack so please eat breakfast. There are vendors at Ft. Toulouse so if you would like to send money ($10-$15) that would be fine. The student will be in charge of keeping up with all belongings and money. We need two parents to volunteer to bring a cooler with ice for the drinks. We will be leaving the school around 8:00 the parent drivers need to be at the school by 7:30. You may park in front of our building. We will return to school around 2:30 for dismissal. Thank you so much for your support!!
Wednesday is the day to turn in Veggie Orders.
Wednesday is the day to turn in Veggie Orders.
The Pee Wee and Termite Banquet is Tuesday, Nov. 8th at 6:30 in the cafetorium.