I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Here are a few announcements for this week:
PTO Program - "Cyber Bullying, What Parents Need to Know" - Thursday May 7th.
The school play in this Friday (5/8). If your child hasn't already paid please do so by this Thursday. The cost is $2.
Dinner Theater, Friday, May 8th, 6:30 p.m. in the Cafetorium: Tickets are on sale in the office for $15 each.
Huntsville Space and Rocket Center Field Trip- Monday May 11th:
Field Day for 1st Grade - 6th Grade: Tuesday May 12th 1:00 p.m. till 2:30 p.m.
Spring Band Concert: Tuesday May 12th
Elementary Honors Assembly 1st Grade-5th Grade: Wednesday May 13th at 9:00 a.m. in Cafetorium.
6th Grade Graduation:
Graduation invitations were sent home with your graduate today. We are also beginning to practice for the ceremony. We are learning our Class Song and parts will be assigned. Please help your child learn the song and their part.
6th Grade Graduation: Thursday May 21st at 9:00 a.m. in the Cafetorium.
My email is still acting crazy!! I am so sorry and I hope that it will be resolved soon. :) Thanks for your support :)