Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 - May 1

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Here are a few announcements for this week:

A.R. ends this Friday, May 1.  We have 9 people that have not met their goal yet. Many are just points away.  Please help me encourage them to make their goal!

The Talent Show will be on May 15th at 6:30 pm.  Any grade is able to participate.  Forms are available in the main office.  Please see Mrs. Walden if you have any questions.

“Clean Green” week ends April 29.  Save your aluminum cans and plastic bottles for K4 through 6th grades.

If you would like to do a luminary bag in honor or memory of a loved one that has/had cancer, please come by the office and pick up your bag.  Cost is $5.00 each

Due to the possibility of bad weather, please check for any updates for tomorrow. 

I hope you have a great rest of the week!! Please email me with any questions :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21-25

I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday and weekend! Here are a few announcements for this week:

- The Talent Show will be on May 15th at 6:30 pm.  Any grade is able to participate.  Forms are available in the main office.  Please see Mrs. Walden if you have any questions

-Clean Green” week is Tuesday, April 22-29.  Save your plastic bottles for 6th grade.

The powder puff game is Thursday at 1:00.  Cost is $2.00 each.  This goes to “Relay For Life”.

-We have our Movie field trip on Thursday, April 24th. We will leave school around 8:00 and return by 12:00.  We are planning on ordering pizza and have a picnic at school after the movie.  If your child wants to eat pizza please send $3.00 for pizza otherwise, they need to bring lunch from home or they can eat lunch in the lunchroom.  They can bring a drink and other snacks to go with their pizza. Right now I only have money from 3 students in my homeroom for pizza. :)

If you have any questions please email me. :) Thanks and have a great week!! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 14-18

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am so sorry this is late being updated.  I was out yesterday. Here are a few announcements for this week:

"Move Under the Stars" will be held Thursday, April 17. Contact the office for details.

Friday, April 18th is Good Friday. We will be out all day.

"Night of the Stars" - PLAS talent show will be Thursday, May 15 at 6:30 pm. Admission is $5 and PLAS students will be $3.  Please make plans to attend. :)

I hope everyone has a great week!:)

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7-11

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here are a few announcements for this week:

Due to the bad weather this morning the SAT testing days have been moved to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure your child eats a good breakfast and gets a good nights sleep.  They need to bring their break each day because we will not leave the room to go to break we eat in the room.  If you have any questions please email me.

We will dismiss on Friday at 11:50 for the Prom. 

Have a great week! :)